Monday, March 26, 2012

IUDS: Pamper, Pamper, Pamper -- Plus 9 Other Tips For Falling in Love with Your IUD

You've heard that an IUD can give you five to twelve years of never-have-to-think-about-it contraception. You've also heard that, depending on which IUD you choose, you can have your period decrease by (on average) 90 percent. You've heard that in real world use IUDs are more effective than the Pill when it comes to preventing unwanted pregnancy. All true!

But nothing worth having is free, and the price you pay for a decade plus* of "fit-and-forget" contraception is that the fitting part and the adjustment that follows can be uncomfortable. Just how much so is hard to predict. On a scale of uncomfortable things we women do to get our bodies just the way we want them, ranging from, say, piercings to Brazilians to tattoos, an IUD insertion usually falls somewhere on the piercing-to-Brazilian end of the spectrum. And then there's adjustment. Some wombs welcome the newcomer from the moment it arrives. A few boot the first one back out into the cold world in the weeks or months after it gets put in. Most grumble a bit before deciding they like the company. Here are 10 tips that can make your IUD experience what you were hoping for when you first dialed your clinic:


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